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 0  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 18/10/2008 13:51
Post(s): 4682
Karma: 438

Presque.. 🙂

#Air #cailloux

Citation :
Beck’s has launched an innovative piece of bespoke technology based on the phonograph – the record player invented by Thomas Edison that plays music by reading a groove carved into the surface of a spinning cylinder. The Beck’s Edison Bottle is a similar analogue device, but - in a world first - the music is carved directly on to the surface of a Beck’s beer bottle. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in the 1870s, at the same time as Heinrich Beck was brewing his first batch of beer on the other side of the Atlantic. This year, Beck’s also supported Auckland band Ghost Wave in the release of their first album, and is choosing to launch the Edison Cylinder by creating a Beck’s bottle inscribed with a Ghost Wave Song, “Here She Comes”.

Contribution le : 14/06/2013 23:26

 0  #2
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75232
Karma: 36904
1/ Ah oui presque 🙂

Contribution le : 15/06/2013 08:50

 0  #3
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 29/08/2012 18:21
Post(s): 3288
/2 Ok le keuf il viens checker : "Il est pas K.O : Continuez" ... Serieux c'est quoi ce flic ^^

Contribution le : 15/06/2013 16:14

 0  #4
4/ Génial pour faire la fête: tu peux acheter des pack - compile, avec les trucs que tu vas écouter sur les trucs que tu vas boire! c'est du deux en un, je dis oui monsieur 😃

Contribution le : 15/06/2013 16:40

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