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La police écossaise apprend à la police US à ne pas flinguer à tout va
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In all of 2011, British police killed 2 people. In 2012, 1 person. In 2013, a total of 3 bullets left the barrels of British police guns, and no one was killed. In the last two years, a total of 4 people have lost their lives because of British cops, bringing the total number of citizens killed in the UK to 7 in the last 5 years. On average, police in America kill at a rate 70 times that of its Western neighbors. In just the last week of December, American cops killed more people than the entire country of England killed in the last five years. Since 1990, police officers in the United Kingdom have killed exactly 58 people. In the last two weeks of December, police in America killed 60 citizens — It took English cops 25 years to do what American cops did in just the last two weeks of December. Now American police officers are being sent to Scotland to learn new techniques in how to avoid shooting violent suspects.

"Il a fallu 25 ans à la police anglaise pour réaliser ce que les américains ont fait en 2 semaines" :gratte:

Contribution le : 15/02/2016 16:27

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