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Un routier vide son chargement sur un inspecteur.
 0  #1
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 25/12/2007 00:19
Post(s): 5069
Karma: 2245

Citation :
Caught by an officer for driving an overloaded vehicle, a truck driver in Haikou city dumped the entire cargo on top of the officer while he was inspecting the vehicle. Tons of rocks and sand poured over the officer even before he had time to react, burying him underneath. The driver then fled the scene, as other officers rushed to rescue their colleague. Fortunately, the officer survived and the driver was later nabbed.

Contribution le : 02/11/2015 02:33

 0  #2
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 22/09/2008 17:42
Post(s): 228
Karma: 144
Au moins il ne pourra plus reprocher au chauffeur qu'il transporte une cargaison surchargée..

Contribution le : 02/11/2015 20:48

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