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Des policiers américains tirent une dizaine de fois sur un paraplégique en fauteuil roulant
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Je m'installe
Inscrit: 12/12/2013 20:44
Post(s): 495
Karma: 427
Citation :
The family of a black paraplegic man shot dead by police in the US say the victim did not have a weapon on him at the time of his death, which they have described as an "execution".

Video of the incident shows Jeremy McDole, 28, from Wilmington, Delaware, sitting in his wheelchair in the street when he is approached by four police officers.

"He's over here!" an officer with his gun drawn shouts.

"Show me your hands! Drop the gun! Drop the gun!"

Video of the incident does not seem to show McDole responding one way or the other; a single shot then rings out, though its origin is not clear.

"Put your hands up!" police and bystanders shout.

"Put your hands up cuz," a man near the camera drawls.

"They shot his ass."

Police then proceed to fire at least ten shots into McDole, who, in the unedited video, then slumps out of his wheelchair and collapses in a lifeless heap on the ground.

The officers involved have all been placed on administrative duties, with police, who were at the scene to investigate reports a man had shot himself, claiming they found a .38 pistol next to McDole's body - a claim disputed by McDole's family.

"He had a book bag, but I never seen a gun," McDole's uncle, Eugene Smith, who said he was with McDole about 15 minutes prior to the shooting, told the Associated Press.

"It was an execution. That's what it was. I don't care if he was black, white, whatever."

"He was in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down," McDole's mother, Phyllis McDole, said during the police press conference.

"There's video showing that he didn't pull a weapon ... I need answers."

"I assure you that not one of those officers intended to take anyone's life that day," Police Chief Bobby Cummings said, adding that he was not aware of any attempt on behalf of the officers to use non-lethal force before opening fire.

"Only our thorough investigation will reveal that," he said.

McDole, who had spent time in jail for drug-related crime, was paralysed from the waist down in 2005 after being shot in the back by a friend.

Contribution le : 27/09/2015 11:58

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La loi c'est moi
Inscrit: 07/04/2012 19:19
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Contribution le : 27/09/2015 12:01

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