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Choc en chute libre avec perte de connaissance + Cachet effervescent dans de l'eau en microgravité
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Inscrit: 13/08/2008 11:42
Post(s): 4082
Karma: 2514
Dramatic moment unconscious skydiver rescued mid-air captured on helmet camera par The Telegraph

Lors d'un saut, ce parachutiste à été heurté par un des autres sauteurs et à perdu connaissance.
Heureusement ces amis se sont rendu compte que quelqchose n'allait pas et lui ont porté assistance en le mettant dans la bonne position et en lui ouvrant son parachute.
Ce n'est qu'une fois sous voile qu'il a repris connaissance.

Citation :
This is the terrifying moment a skydiver was left plummeting 12,500ft to the ground after he was knocked out in a skydiving accident.

James Lee, 25 was taking part in a jump in Wiltshire when just seconds after leaping from the plane he was hit on the back of the head by another skydiver.

The blow knocked him out and sent him hurtling towards the ground uncontrollably.

Luckily two other skydivers noticed something was wrong and chased after their unconscious colleague.

After realising he was unresponsive the two men managed to roll James into a more stable position and deploy his parachute for a safe landing.

It wasn't until James was under the canopy that he began to regain consciousness, he landed safely on the ground with no memory of the drama that had unfolded seconds earlier.

The mid-air drama was captured by a camera on James' helmet.

Source: Caters/Newsflare


Alka-Seltzer added to spherical water drop in microgravity par Plasma Ben

Que se passe-t-il quand on plonge un cachet effervescent dans de l'eau dans des conditions de microgravité ?
Expérience réalisée à bord d'ISS le 22 mars 2003 par le Science Officer Don Pettit (Expedition Six NASA ISS).

Contribution le : 01/02/2014 06:14

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2eme deja passé: DJP

Contribution le : 01/02/2014 09:07

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